Friday, July 16, 2010

A Fellow Pilgrim

I love Philip Yancey, a self-proclaimed “fellow pilgrim”. Oh all right, all you literalists, I love his books. I think he is one of today's finest authors. He is smart, philosophically wise, well-read, an ardent follower of Jesus, an avid student of the Bible, and, he is able to articulate the unspoken questions of my heart. He says that he writes to resolve things that are bothering him. Evidently an awful lot of us are bothered by the same things he is! Four of his books have sold over 1,000,000 copies each.

I read Disappointment with God during a black time of personal upheaval many years ago, and Rumors of Another World (now titled A Skeptic's Guide to Faith) during a more recent crisis. My husband especially appreciates What's So Amazing about Grace?

Grace Notes, published in 2009, is a compilation of Yancey's best writings, culled from his books as well as from his writings for the magazine Christianity Today.

I bought a copy for myself as well as for my missionary sister in Nigeria so that we both are literally on the same page any day of the year. When she says that she is feeling “Tolstoylian”, I know exactly what she is talking about. (You won't unless you read the excerpt for that day.)

Come along with me as we follow Mr. Yancey through a grace-filled year, and you too will find that you are in love. -Becky

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