This is a wonderful little book about truth. And about lies. It's about identifying the lies that you have grown to believe, been led to believe, or let yourself believe, and it's about renouncing these lies for the truth of who you are in Christ.
"As I pondered the word [my daughter] used - insufferior - I
immediately realized I knew exactly how she felt [...] It is a
combination of all of these fears - inferiority, insecurity, inadequacy,
and insufficiency - adding up to low self-esteem."
--I Feel Insufferior, Chapter One, page 1--
These feelings are rampant in society and around the world. They are an overwhelmingly common thing. We are constantly comparing our appearances, our words, our actions and our lives with everything and everyone around us. And it is destroying us from the inside.
Melody Metzger holds a Masters in Therapeutic Counseling. Her book
I Feel Insufferior introduces step-by-step help in overcoming the issue of insufferiority in your own life. She wants you to know that you are not alone, you are not helpless, and there is hope. She demonstrates how you can speak truth into the lies you're believing and she provides strategies for replacing the lies with truths. In this book, she sits across from you, counsels you, advises you, and guides you in the battle for your own mind.
And what a battle it is.
One of the things I especially liked about the format of this book was the way she organized the chapters, and placed the self-help/question sections at the end of each, rather than scattering them throughout the book like some authors do. Each chapter takes a different focus on issues with inferiority and inadequacy, followed by a section for self-help, strategies, and response exercises. It would be great for a group session or study dealing with issues of self-esteem, as well as for an individual exercise in self-healing. Her words are interspersed with excellent scripture and biblical truths to help you through the process - the beginning of healing.
I am in no way saying the Metzger's book will erase insecurities from your life. She can only offer as much help as you are willing to accept, and there's only so much you can give anyone through the written word.
I Feel Insufferior is most definitely a start, and a very good one.
For more information on
I Feel Insufferior by Melody Metzger, visit our website