Tuesday, February 13, 2024

He Knows Your Name

     Working in a bookstore means that you have many options for your next book. This can be influenced by cover or title, author however sometimes it only takes a quick scan of the introduction to seal the deal. That is how started reading He Knows Your Name by Paige Allen, the subtitle How 7 Nameless Women of the Bible Reveal Christ's Love For You, caught my attention but the introduction had me hooked.

But now thus says the Lord, he who created you, O Jacob, he who formed you, O Israel: “Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name, you are mine. Isaiah 43:1

    Regardless of where we are in life, woman (and men) long to be loved and appreciated, yet so often can feel invisible even with the promise of God's presence and salvation. Allen's book invites us to take a look at the life changing moments of 7 unnamed women in the Bible encountered when they came face to face with Jesus. I will admit that growing up I never really gave much thought to the idea that many women of the Bible were not named. These women (and their stories) made it into God's Word so they were obviously important, but why? As I read, Allen's ability to weave personal stories along with Biblical truths allowed me to clearly see how these women were known and loved by Jesus. Although the world around them did not know their names, Christ did, He called them daughter.

When thinking of our identity, we know that God’s word tells us we are precious and worthy but it can be difficult to fully digest and believe at times.  Allen says, “I believe we are in a season where God wants His daughters (and sons) to wake up to the truth that He knows us better than we know ourselves. He sees, He listens, He comes close, and He understands” and she does an amazing job of outlining those truths through her thoughtful and relatable prose. The stories she shares are both funny and touching, now that I have read through it once I think I will go back with my pretty purple highlighter and spend a bit more time with these women as I gain a deeper understanding of what they endured, why the stories were told and the love that they felt by being both seen and loved by Christ. I am so glad that I picked this book up, it was a wonderful read that gave me opportunity to take a deeper look at who I am and how God sees me, even when I feel anonymous.  I look forward to seeing what she writes next. What is on your reading pile this week?

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