Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Surprised by Toby Mac

Staff member Marilyn has worked here at House of James for 23 years and has seen thousands of books come and go, so when she takes particular notice of a book, then I take note of her taking note!

She came to me last week and asked if I had read City on our Knees by Toby Mac, recording artist, producer and songwriter.  Her actual words were, "Becky, do you know which book just totally blew me away?" I've seen the book here in the store. It has kind of a cool and funky cover - transparent black and green, very striking. But I had never actually picked it up and looked at the contents. Marilyn plans to read the book again. That's a VERY good sign!
I have to admit this book took me by surprise!  If I had to limit myself to one word to describe it, I would have to say "encouraging".  It reads like a "who's who" of ordinary people touched and molded by an extraordinary God. Some of these people you would recognize, others you probably have never even heard of.

I was not expecting to be so impacted. The first page says, "If we gotta start sometime, why not now?"That drew me in.  Can a tiny girl with cancerous tumors impact her world? Or how about John Hyde, a bit of a misfit missionary, shy and introverted, who sailed to India in 1892? The stories told are interspersed with Scripture. It blessed me so much. 

I would recommend this book for graduates who are trying to figure out where they fit now that they are on their own, or just for anyone looking for a great dose of encouragement. It really doesn't have that much to do with Toby Mac the musician, but everything to do with ordinary people being touched by the hand of God. ~ Marilyn
Toby Mac says, "As you read, I hope you'll be inspired to see how just one person, or one small group, can be a mechanism for change.  This isn't a book of philosophies,  It's a collection of powerful stories that show what life can look like when people step out in courage and in love, and strengthen the family of God.  I hope these stories will inspire you to create a story of your own."

Angels on Your Side: When You are Feeling Scared

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