Friday, October 29, 2010

I'm Not Good Enough...

A dear friend discovered this book by "happenstance". She raved about it, quoted from it and recommended it. So I asked her to write about it for our blog. Thank you Jenelle!

I stepped into House of James with my grandmother one day and she spotted this book.  Since it is not only what I am struggling with but what my counsellor is teaching me, I thought I'd give it a try. It has made all the difference in my life.

It is a book by Sharon Jaynes that not only points out the negative messages women tell themselves but also helps you to fight them by finding the Bible's liberating truth.  One thing I loved when I first opened it is that it begins by recognizing who the enemy is and what he is capable of in our lives.  Sharon has a way of helping us to reject the deceiver and call upon our Savior for assistance in our time of need.

After finding out who the enemy is, Sharon helped me to really recognize my negative messages and inner self-talk.  I found it very helpful to be in tune with what I was telling myself.

The book is written by a Christian author and written in a Christan perspective.  She uses many references from the Bible and about the Bible. There is one quote in particular that I really liked.  "Rather than being thankful for what we do have, Satan points out what we don't have."  How true this is.  Eve had at her disposal every tree in the garden except one. Every tree. That is a smorgasbord of goodness.  But rather than being thankful, she bought the lie that the one thing she couldn't have was the one thing that would make her happy.

After recognizing what the lies are it is time to reject them and replace them with truths.  Not just any truth but the truth from the Bible. 

I guess the one thing I got the most out of this book is being self-aware and what to do with my thoughts when I hear them.  Sharon has had a lot of life experiences and she kindly shares them with us in her book so we can see the trials and hardships that others have gone through.  And she not only tells what she went through but how she got through it.  She has helped me to understand that what makes the critical difference is not circumstances, but our interpretation of the circumstances.
Sharon Jaynes uses many analogies in her book.  Personally I am a visual learner.  I need that mental picture to get a clear perspective of things.  Sharon succeeded in helping me to understand the value of our negative self-talk.

I've really struggled with depression this last year and I've had doctors, nurses, psychiatrists and counsellors all try to teach me the concept of negative messages.  It's like each person gave me a puzzle piece.  I may have had all the pieces but I didn't have the picture to know how to put it together.  Sharon gave me that picture.  Now my puzzle is complete and the picture is absolutely beautiful.

Thank you Sharon for making the biggest difference in my life.  This book has completely changed me!

Monday, October 18, 2010

Everyone Loves them

(and then read what staff member Esther has to say) 
First, a confession. I watch Veggie Tales. I’m too old to have claimed to grow up on them, but neither do I have the convenient excuse of having kids in tow when I browse that section of our store. For those with kids, indulge your funny bone, and for those without, rest assured that you’re in good company!
When I was asked to write about “It’s a Marvelous Life” I thought of my favorite Larry the cucumber quote “I laughed, I cried, it moved me, Bob”. Well (except for the crying) this show would suffice in filling that description.

This mix of spoofs of Polar Express, A Christmas Carol, and It’s a Wonderful Life got all smooshed together to produce what I think may be Veggie Tales most heartwarming “feel-good” show to date. Slightly different from their normal fare, it’ll still appeal to kids and non-kids alike.

It delves into the world of sports, choices, and an adult cast of Veggies.  It also deals sweetly with the topic of adoption. If nothing else, watch it to see Larry (now married to his high school sweetpea sweetheart) say “pshaw” and be a hoodie-wearing football dad!

Note: Despite the look of the cover, it’s not a Christmas focused show, except that it’s set on December 24th.

Friday, October 15, 2010

I Quit!

is the title of  a book that I am reading over my lunch breaks. The sub-title is: Stop Pretending Everything is Fine and Change Your Life. The content and conclusions that author Geri Scazzero draws are too important to wait for me to finish reading the whole book. 

I remember when I personally stopped pretending 14 years ago. It was a shock to everyone! But man did I meet and make a lot of friends through the process. 
The author says, "Jesus invited me into the Christian life to enjoy a rich banquet at his table. Instead, it often felt like I was a galley slave, laboring to serve everyone else at the feast rather than enjoying it myself.  In my relationship with Jesus, I'd gone from the great joy of feeling overwhelmed by his love to bitter resentment at feeling overwhelmed by his demands.  My identity had been swallowed up in putting others before myself.  I constantly thought of the needs of our four small daughters.  I worried about Pete's responsibilities. I filled in wherever needed to help our growing church.  These are all potentially good things, but my love had become a 'have to,' a 'should' rather than a gift freely given.   I mistakenly believed I didn't have a choice."
In the book, Geri gives us a gift called The Personal Freedom Toolkit.  It contains the essential truths that will enable us to take responsibility for our own lives.  Like the game of Backgammon; easy to learn but  a lifetime to master. Some of the tools include: The Fence of Separateness (practice boundaries), The Oxygen Mask of Self-Care, and the Yes/No Medallion. 

I really should have read this book when I first became a missionary in Borneo 33 years ago.  It would have saved us all some grief.

You can read I Quit  now and take the necessary steps to burn on, not out.


P.S Geri is also co-author of  Emotionally Healthy Spirituality, a book my missionary sister recommends.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Whetting your appetite

Yesterday we celebrated Canadian Thanksgiving.  For the first time in years, I did not stress out. Turns out I should have. The fellowship was grand, the food was not.  I roasted 2 ducks (a last minute ill-advised impulse), opened a can of chicken gravy, poured boiling water onto instant potato flakes; did the same to instant stuffing and served a store bought apple pie.  My family graciously choked down a few morsels but it was not my finest festive moment. 

I'm quite sure that particular menu would not tempt any of you, but I am hoping that the following offering of books will.  They are all newcomers.  Our "new arrivals" shelf is right near the tills at the front and every time I pass it, I want to reach out and graze.  

Dancing with Max by Emily Colson. Yes, she is Chuck Colson's daughter and Max is her son.  Max is 19 years old and autistic.  Emily is a single mom who writes honestly and earnestly. Although Charles Colson writes the prologue as well as the epilogue, his name is not needed to give the book credence. Just start reading and you will continue. And you will find yourself swallowing hard as you read about Max.  The professionals had given up on him but his mom did not!

Near to the Heart of God by Robert J Morgan is comprised of meditations on 366 of our best-loved hymns.  Growing up in the '60s I didn't always appreciate hymns but now that I am older and wiser, I agree that "they clear our minds, soothe our nerves, verbalize our worship, summarize our faith, and sing our great Redeemer's praise".

Unlocked by Karen Kingsbury released today. Women aged 20-80 love Karen's books, but I also had a pastor tell me that he recommends some of her books to couples that he is counselling.  I met Karen Kingsbury years ago at a booksellers' convention and was so impressed with her testimony, her family and her persona that I knew I could sell her books without hesitation.

   This new title features, interestingly enough, an 18 year old autistic boy. He is befriended by popular cheerleader and star of the show Ella Reynolds with life-changing repercussions for both them AND their families.

Come on in and taste some of our other new books.  It is so much fun to browse. There are all sorts of nooks and crannies in our store where you will find treasure. From where I am sitting and writing this post I see "Seat Belt Suspense Fiction"; a whole section featuring Canadian authors; Bible studies by Beth Moore as well as 5 shelves of books written for and by men.

And don't worry, if you come in, I promise I won't cook for you, but I WILL try to match you up with a great book!

Monday, October 4, 2010

The Big Red Tractor

Miss Denise reads a story
From Denise's desk:
Anyone who knows me, knows that I love a good children's book...I love to read them out loud, and I love the interaction that can follow. This past week I found a new story to add to my favourites!!

Francis Chan, author of Crazy Love and Forgotten God, has written a book for kids called The Big Red Tractor and the Little Village. This is an absolutely delightful tale that instantly grabbed me. It goes something like this: A small farming village loves their big tractor, unfortunately none of them really knows what the tractor can do, they love the size and the sound it makes but it is hard to use and heavy to push (obviously the villagers do not know how to use it properly). All the villagers just think that is the way it is until Farmer Dave uncovers a dusty old book in an attic and discovers the tractor was meant to do much more.

Although the village laughs and makes fun of Farmer Dave, he doesn't give up and soon the tractor is working the way it should thus making the farming easier and more efficient!! The villagers believe it is a miracle and are now able to feed ten times as many people with all the wonderful fruits and vegetables they grow now that the tractor runs the way it was made to run.

I love the page that says, " Did you know that you are like the big red tractor? God made you and knows just how you work best. He wrote a book full of truth that you can read to help you know how to live too." Such a great way to express how God, the Holy Spirit and the Bible work together.

What a fabulous way of helping the special little ones in your life learn about the Bible and how God knows all the great things you can do, with His help of course. Read it to someone you love soon!!!!! ~~Denise

Check out this cute book trailer:

Women of the Way Series

  I often wonder what genre of books people like to read? Most often, people have a very specific type of book that stirs delight in them....